BPC SurveyManager - Web Client Manual

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BPC SurveyManager Web Client Manual


BPC SurveyManager is comprised of five logical parts:

  1. BPC Survey Manager Engine - this delivers the surveys, reports and performs a wide range of management functions and a stateless mode. It has no direct user interface, but is best thought of as an library of survey capable routines and an interpreter of BPC SurveyManager "script" that dynamically constructs web pages on demand and according to the authors design.
  2. BPC Survey Manager Management WebClient - this application is a stateful pure browser based management solution for the BPC SurveyManager system. The web client surfaces the most commonly required capabilities of the SurveyManager system and presents them in a way intended for novice users to create, distribute, publish, manage and report surveys across multiple organisation units and regions.
  3. BPC SurveyManager Portal - the portal is really a function of the BPC SurveyManager Engine, allowing an organisation to selectively publish surveys to an indefinate number of portals. A portal is a page that responders' can use as a fixed entry point to collect and do surveys available to them. It is one of several channels through which a responder can respond to a survey opportunity.
  4. BPC SurveyManager DeskTop client - the most powerful surveymanager management client which enables all the capabilities of the surveymanager system to be used (including distributed survey databases, and remote and partially connected users). It is only available as an installable client-server application. This component is not distributed with any BPC application, but is supplied on request and acceptance of the conditions for its use.
  5. BPC SurveyManager N-Tier library - The library supports the N-Tier application-server structure of other BPC applications like BPC RiskManager which use it to provide an advanced survey manager management client directly in the body of an MS Windows installed application.

This manual covers ONLY the BPC SurveyManager Management Web Client application.

Introduction for ACFE and ACE users

In order to assist ACFE and ACE users we have included additional notes or alternative instructions where appropriate in a section marked clearly for these groups' attention.

