BPC SurveyManager - Creating Surveys - Properties

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Standard Properties

*_TUCountdefaultWhere '*' is a short string representing a report name, this field represents the total user count query (numerator) for a question based report. Question based reports are invoked with &REP=ucnt,ulist,uresp,rprc,rcnt,rgrph,eulist,*&RMO=all,grp,**. Where REP are selectors for one or more report modes - {Uprc {user percentage responses}, ucnt {user count), ulist {user response list}, uresp {user responses by user}, rprc { user responses percent }, rcnt {user responses count}, rgrph {user responses graph}, eulist {user list outside of exception cond}, * {user defined report matching the * in this field name}. More than one of these can be used in the same report. RMO is either empty {this org onlt}, or 'all' {all orgs in Db}, or grp {the group of orgs of which this org is the parent} or ** {user defined report query defined in another property}. This last can change with each question if it is defined at the question property level. Allowed Qry Fields: SHOrgID, InstanceID,QID,SIDdefault
*_URCountdefaultWhere '*' is a short string representing a report name, this field represents the response user count query (numerator) for a question based report. Question based reports are invoked with &REP=ucnt,ulist,uresp,rprc,rcnt,rgrph,eulist,*&RMO=all,grp,**. Where REP are selectors for one or more report modes - {Uprc {user percentage responses}, ucnt {user count), ulist {user response list}, uresp {user responses by user}, rprc { user responses percent }, rcnt {user responses count}, rgrph {user responses graph}, eulist {user list outside of exception cond}, * {user defined report matching the * in this field name}. More than one of these can be used in the same report. RMO is either empty {this org onlt}, or 'all' {all orgs in Db}, or grp {the group of orgs of which this org is the parent} or ** {user defined report query defined in another property}. This last can change with each question if it is defined at the question property level. Allowed Qry Fields: SHOrgID, InstanceID,QID,SIDdefault
*_VWRespdefaultWhere '*' is a short string representing a report name, this field represents the repsonse query for a question based report. Question based reports are invoked with &REP=ucnt,ulist,uresp,rprc,rcnt,rgrph,eulist,*&RMO=all,grp,**. Where REP are selectors for one or more report modes - {Uprc {user percentage responses}, ucnt {user count), ulist {user response list}, uresp {user responses by user}, rprc { user responses percent }, rcnt {user responses count}, rgrph {user responses graph}, eulist {user list outside of exception cond}, * {user defined report matching the * in this field name}. More than one of these can be used in the same report. RMO is either empty {this org onlt}, or 'all' {all orgs in Db}, or grp {the group of orgs of which this org is the parent} or ** {user defined report query defined in another property}. This last can change with each question if it is defined at the question property level. Allowed Qry Fields: SHOrgID, InstanceID,QID,SIDdefault
ActionOnExceptiondefaultDefine an action to undertake when the response received to a question is outside the acceptable range as defined by the exception flags for a question.val=defaultnil
AdmlistdefaultComma separated list of response options available for an arbitary list or drop list adminop. This list defaults to the administration action list, but could be any arbitrary list you want for which you don't want to create a fully blown selectop list. The value that appears in the response table will be the string itself. The selectop has the advantage of ensuring that all the selectable responses for all similar questions will have the same response values, but this property allows a quick & dirty response list to be assembled, with the risk that you will not be consistent across all similar questions, and you will use a lot more space to store the possible responses. Value is a comma delimited list with "" around options containing commas or spaces.val=publish,distribute,lock,unlockdefaultpublish,distribute,lock,unlock
AllowAdvncdPubOptionsorganisationSurvey Manager Maintenance web client only. (Manage Surveys). Allow the use of various advanced publication options including survey responder login.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
AllowAdvncdQEdOptionsorganisationSurvey Manager Maintenance web client only. (Edit Surveys). Allow the display of advanced edit capabilities and views during question editing. This primarily relates to the survey header. In other SM clients this is on by default. In the web client the default is off for simplicity.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
AllowAdvncdSEdOptionsorganisationSurvey Manager Maintenance web client only. (Edit Surveys). Allow the display of advanced edit capabilities and views during survey editing. In other SM clients this is on by default. In the web client the default is off for simplicity.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
AllowAdvncdUMOptionsorganisationSurvey Manager Maintenance web client only. (Manage Users). Allow the display of advanced management capabilities and views during user management. In other SM clients this is on by default. In the web client the default is off for simplicity.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
AllowAdvncdRMSMOptionsorganisationSurvey Manager Maintenance web client only. (Various). Allow the display of advanced risk manager survey integration controls and views throughout the web client. This is only relevant with integrated RM - SM databases. In other SM clients this is on by default. In the web client the default is off for simplicity.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
AllowMultiSrvyInstancesorganisationSurvey Manager Maintenance web client only. (Manage Surveys). Allow the publication and management of multiple instances of a survey. In other SM clients this is on by default. In the web client instances are hidden by default for simplicity.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
AllowRMSMdefaultSurvey Engine only. Allow the survey engine to access risk manager tables. When true the survey engine will open a connection to the BPC RMS tables allowing the display and update of RMS tables directly. Tags and properties referring to features of the RMS not generated directly into surveys will be available. This is only relevant with integrated RM - SM databases. In the Survey Engine the default is False for security.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
AllowMultiSrvyInstancesorganisationSurvey Manager Maintenance web client only. (Manage Surveys). Allow the publication and management of multiple instances of a survey. In other SM clients this is on by default. In the web client instances are hidden by default for simplicity.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
AllowPubToExstUserorganisationSurvey Manager Maintenance web client only. (Manage Surveys).Allow existing users to be selected for survey publishing in the Survey Manager web client. The default mode is that web maintenance client restrict responders to being specifically imported or manually added for each survey to simplify the interface. It is usually better to turn this on.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
AllowQDIDAutoNumCtrlorganisationSurvey Manager Maintenance web client only. (Edit Surveys). Allow the display of controls that optionally disable auto display numbering, and user defined ids. In other SM clients this is on by default. In the web client the default is autonumber for simplicity.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
AlwaysDodefaultForce the rule associated with a question to always be executed - regardless of whether a response has been received. Normally rules are only executed on questions with a received response.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
AutoPubFailIfNewOrgUserdefaultWorks with the AutoPublish property. AutoPubFailIfNewOrgUser causes the publication to FAIL if the user does NOT already exist in this organisation. In other words, setting this to true, means the user must already exist for the survey in order for the survey to be published to the user. This effectively stops autopublished surveys from just being published to any user not already a member of the current org.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
AutoPubFailIfNewUserdefaultWorks with the AutoPublish property. AutoPubFailIfNewUser causes the publication to FAIL if the user does NOT already exist in the database and it has NOT been generated by the UserMakerGenPID property. In other words, setting this to true, means the user must already exist or have been specifically created as an anonymous user iin order for the survey to be published to the user. This effectively stops autopublished surveys from just being published to any new user unless anonymous users are specifically allowed.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
AutoPublishdefaultIf the AutoPublish flag is set for an org or survey the survey being accessed is automatically published to the current user, and the next currently avai;able instance automatically authorised to the user. AutoPublish also allows for the automatic creation of the user if the UserMakerGenPID property is true, otherwise it validates the user exists and if not creates the user. Uses the UserMaker properties AND AutoPubFailIfNewUser, AutoPubFailIfNewOrgUser. If the user exists, the RK or the Pwd must match for the survey to be published to the user. Setting the AutoPublish flag means the UserMaker question type is not needed.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
CBXShwDistributeddefaultSet the survey ID (SID) to show on a CBXUser input operation, where the CBXUser control is being used to manage distribution of surveys. Shows 'distributed' where a reminder has been sent (the last step of a distribution action). If ommitted, no message is displayed.val=defaultnil
CBXShwStarteddefaultSet the survey ID (SID) to show on a CBXUser input operation, where the CBXUser control is being used to manage distribution of surveys. Shows 'started' where the user has accessed the SID. If ommitted, no message is displayed.val=defaultnil
CBXUEdEmaildefaultFlag User Email Edit on a CBXuser input operation.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
CBXUEdNamedefaultFlag User Name edit on a CBXUser input operation if true. lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
CBXUFilterdefaultSet the user filter to determine which users are displayed in a CBXUser input operation (filter string must match a filter held by the desired users). If blank, or ommitted, all users in the current Org will be listed.val=defaultnil
CBXUOrgRoledefaultFlag User Orgrole Edit on a CBXUser input operation.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
CBXUPwddefaultFlag password edit on a CBXUser input operationlst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
CellFrmtdefaultSpecial formats for insertion into the (primarrilly) radio button cells.val=width="20%"defaultFalse
CheckeddefaultSets the checked option on a checkbox if Truelst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
ClearOnNildefaultDetermines whethera pre-existing value in the response table should be cleared if no response to a question is provided by the user. This property is most important in textop's where a nil response may mean the user has cleared the text box. For these it should generally be set to true. Default is false.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
ContinueButtonsurveyNormally NOT required.The full HTML tag for a continue button (ie. an HTML submit input button), which causes the page to be sent to the SurveyManager in the default case - but can do anything that a submit button can normally do. val=<input type="submit" value="Continue" >default<input type="submit" value="Continue" >
ContinueIsEOSsurveyAlways force the End Of Survey flag when the continue button is pressed, regardless of what the survey QScript rule is UNLESS question rules for the currently displayed page(s) have generated additional questions. A very useful property when one survey is used to select the questions to display in a second survey. This is most commonly used when the current survey has been branched to from another survey, and the EOS state of the current survey would result in a return to the previous survey, or a previously stacked additional branch. Thus after one page the current survey will always return to the calling or next survey. Normally a flag with this property set would display all questiongroups on a single page, and might use a property based QScript to select the QGroups to display. Currently this flag must be set at the survey level.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
CSSSheetsurveyCascading Style Sheet values for this survey. Replaces the THTML tag '<#CSSSheet >' in the survey layout. This property must be used if you want to control printing. val=<style type="text/css" >

.breaka {page-break-after: always}
.breakb {page-break-before: always}
@page {margin: 1cm }

</style >
CSSUsesurvey<br class="breaka">
val=<br class="breaka">defaultnil
customopdefaultHTML string, defining a custom input control. Any HTML block is valid. The customop input type allows custom or dcustom (single or double column) input controls to be defined and inserted where the predefined input controls would normally go for this question type. No tag expansion is performed on these HTML strings.val=defaultnil
DefaultUserEmailsurveyThe default email to assign to a new user when the UserMaker (or other user creation method) is used to reate a new user.val=default
DONESIDsurveyNot a general property as such, but a property parameter of the PreReq property. It is the Survey ID (SID) of the survey that must be completed before the current survey can be attempted. Only one DONESID can be provided.val=Survey:prereq
DoQRLifdefaultIdentifies the question on this page to activate (make visible) if the response is above or below or equal to a specific value. Format of the value to this property is: "[gt/lt/eq/neq/between/nbetween, lowvalue, highvalue, QRLrow]". Options are enclosed in [] and any number can be listed. The result is that the row(s) (or other question containers) containing the invisible question and response parts (etc) identified by the QRL's are made visible if it was previously invisible if the test is true (and vice versa if false). A QRLRow is a QuestionID with "_Row" appended. So the QRLRow for Q001 is Q001_Row. A QRLRow can in fact be any DOM region - it does not have to be a question display area only. A list of QRLRows is separated by ";". If the test does not require a low and high bound, then put the numeric part in the low bound position and 0 in the high bound. For example: "['lt', 4, 0, 'Q01a_Row;Q01b_Row;MyDiv']" in the DoQRLIf propety for a question means "show questions Q01a and Q01b and DOM display object "MyDiv" if the value of the current question response is less than 4". val=[lt/eq/gt, vallow, valhi, QRLRow]defaultnil
DoQRLifWghtdefaultIdentifies the question on this page to activate (make visible) if the response to a user weighting is above or below or equal to a specific value. Format of the value to this property is: "[gt/lt/eq/neq/between/nbetween, lowvalue, highvalue, QRLRow]". Options are enclosed in [] and any number can be listed. The result is that the identified QRL's is made visible if it was previously invisible. Refer to the notes for DoQRLIf. val=[lt/eq/gt, vallow, valhi, QRLRow ]defaultnil
ErrorHTMLdefaultTHTML tag or HTML layout for the question specific error message. Typically used when a required question is omitted. val=<#ErrorMsg colspan=3 align=center BgColor=yellow style="color:red;font:bold;" >default<#ErrorMsg colspan=3 align=center BgColor=yellow style="color:red;font:bold;" >
ErrorMsgPosdefaultPosition of the question specific error message.lst=above,belowdefaultbelow
GenPageReqErrorMsgsurveyThe HTML message to use for the '<#errormessage >' THTML tag in a survey layout.val="***Please Note: You have not filled in a required question. Please refer to the identified question below. ***"defaultYou ommitted the responses to some required questions on this page. Please refer to the individual highlighted ommissions.
GLVdefaultShow the last response provided for a questionlst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
HintdefaultIf present for a question, a hint button will be inserted and the contents of the property will be displayed in a pop-up window.val=defaultnil
InvisibledefaultControl visibility of a question. Use this property to create questions that are displayed when the user performs some action (such as providing an answer to another question in the same question group or page that is outside of a given range). Note: Invisible questions should not have the required property turned on.lst=True,Falsedefault
ItemFrmtdefaultThe HTML attribute format values used by selectop controls (buttons, some labels, etc) to control item specific (as opposed to hosting table level) format characteristics. The most common purpose is to make a vertical list of buttons expand to the full width of the hosting table.val=width="100%"defaultminimum fit
JMPACTNdefaultThe URL or SM param line to which a jump op should jump to for the next page. The content of the property id determined by the type of jump op:
  • jlabel, jflabel, jbutton, jfbutton - all require a full URL as the JMPACTN. It is not kilely that you will return after these actions.
  • jsmlabel, jsmbutton, jsmwbutton - all require a SM SID as the first argument followed by other SM arguments separated by "&". It is most common to include the question group to which SM should return on falling back to the current survey as the QGRPO argument. Eg: "MySurvey&QGRPO=Page5"
JMPTXTdefaultThe text or caption to display on a jump op input control (label, button, etc). The equivalent value in a selectop is found in the selectop record for the selectop item, but in jump ops there is no such table available so the value is supplied from this property.val=default
JMPATRBdefaultThe extra attributes to insert in the tag of a jump op input control (label, button, etc). There is no equivalent value in a selectop.val=default
LoginRequireddefaultImpose login requirement at commencement of survey. If the user has not logged in, or loggin data supplied, a login screen is returned before the survey is displayed. lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
LoginRetryCountdefaultThe count of the maximum login attempts before the authorisation failure message is displayed..val=default
LoginOrgOKdefaultWhere survey login rquired, survey does not have to be published to the user and access to the org alone is OK, if true.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
MultipledefaultEnable multiple selections (admlist, admdlist, filelist) if true.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
MOHintdefaultEnable mouse over hints displayed in a user defined area of the screen for select ops and jump ops. Mouseover hints are drawn from the hint field of the select op table or for jump ops, the MOHintTXT property. Enabled if true.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
MOHintIDdefaultThe ID of the user defined page region into which to write the hint text during mouse over events from select ops and jump ops. Mouseover hints are drawn from the hint field of the select op table or for jump ops, the MOHintTXT property. A DIV is typically used as the hint container referenced by this property.val=default
MOHintTXTdefaultThe Text to display in the user defined page region as the hint text during mouse over events from jump ops. Mouseover hints are drawn from the hint field of the select op table or for jump ops, the MOHintTXT property. A DIV is typically used as the hint container referenced by this property.val=default
MOHintdefaultEnable mouse over hints displayed in a user defined area of the screen for select ops and jump ops. Mouseover hints are drawn from the hint field of the select op table or for jump ops, the MOHintTXT property. Enabled if true.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
NewUserFiltersurveyThis is the filter to add to a new user when suto creating users with a 'usermaker' displayop. While a usermaker is normally used in a dedicated survey, that survey is generally invoked from a survey that offers restricts all but the first couple of questions with this filter, and restricts the first questions to a 'GUEST' PID that has only the 'GUEST' filter attached. You will need this property to be set in order to allow the remainder of the survey to be seen only be the newly created user. default
NILDSTRdefaultSet the string to display if no selection is made in a drop list or list. the default is Nil and you can not set this value to nothing - Nil will be used instead.val=NildefaultNil
NoContinuesurveySuppress the continue button at that normally appears at the bottom of each page. This button posts the survey responses.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
NoFirstContinuedefaultSuppres the first continue button, but allow continues on the following pages (useful when the first page contains a login question)lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
NOPRVWdefaultDisable preview mode on the surveylst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
NoTitlesdefaultSupress Titles on horzontally aligned radio buttons.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
NoWghtdefaultSupress display of the weight response section for the current question(s).lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
NoWghtTitlesdefaultSupress display of the weight response section options titling when weight options are displayed as the radio button for the current question(s).lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
NOXHELPdefaultEnable/disable help table xhlp display tag. Must be explicitly set to False to allow tag to be used in a survey (ie. Default is True)lst=True,FalsedefaultTrue
OIDPropdefaultFind the correct OID based on a property of the Person, Survey or Organisation. The Value in OIDProp is the Property to look up. If no valueis found in the associated property, the existing passed OID Value will be used. This mechanism is intended to allow a users survey response to be automatically allocated to an organisation based on a property of the user, the survey or the original named org in the survey). It provides a way to allocate responses across organisations. Two models are supported: 1. Where OIDProp property is assigned in the survey or organisation, use this value as the POIDValue - regardless of the paramvalue; 2. Where the POIDValue is assigned in the survey params (unless supressed by an OIDProp value of 'nil'. You can block Property org selection by setting it to 'nil' in the survey or the org.val=default
pexedefaultReplaces the <#pexe > THTML tag used for question specific plugin function calls. The default property name 'pexe' for a plugin function call can be overriden with a call of the form <#pexe pname="mypluginfunc" > where "mypluginfunc" becomes the name of the property. The value of the property should be of the form: exe( plugin_dll_name, plugin_func_name, param1, param2..paramN ) where all values in the brackets are strings (denoted by "" or ) or QRLs containg valid response values and plugin_dll_name and plugin_func_name are as the names imply and param1..paramN are the arguments to the plugin call. The plugin dll must be loaded for the call to work.val= exe( dll_name, func_name, params )defaultnil
PIDPROPNNsurveyNot a general property as such, but a property parameter of the PreReq property. It is a Property of the user that must have a non empty and non nil value before the current survey can be attempted. Any number of PIDPROPNNs can be provided.val=Property Name:prereq
PLGINdefaultCauses a plugin function call result to be inserted in the response field of an input control (text, text area, numeric, date) and the list of an admlist or admdlist. The value of the property should be of the form: exe( plugin_dll_name, plugin_func_name, param1, param2..paramN ) where all values in the brackets are strings (denoted by "" or ) or QRLs containg valid response values and plugin_dll_name and plugin_func_name are as the names imply and param1..paramN are the arguments to the plugin call. The plugin dll must be loaded for the call to work.val= exe( dll_name, func_name, params )defaultnil
PostActionsurveyNormally NOT required. The address to which to send a page when the continue button is pressed. (In HTML terms this is the action attribute of a form.) Normally NOT required and therefore results in the page being posted back to SurveyManager, but it can be overridden so that a surveymanager form posts to an entirely different application.defaultPost the page to BPC SurveyManager
PostMethodsurveySets the method used for sending a page to the survey manager or the target web server/web application. Although a SurveyManager form is normally 'posted' to the SurveyManager application, there is no actual requirement for it to either be posted, or even sent to SurveyManager as the form target. Any web application can be used as a page target.lst=post,getdefaultpost
PostTypesurveyNormally NOT required. Defines the type of data being posted. Normally, NOT required (and therefore defaulting to application/x-www-form-urlencoded), this value MUST be set if the form contains a file displayop because uploading a file to the server requires multipart form posting. For file uploading use the 'multipart' short form, for anything else leave blank or enter the full HTML ENCTYPE attribute value (excluding the word 'ENCTYPE').val=multipartdefaultapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded
PreReqsurveyA list of prerequisites for the survey / survey instance. Currently supports DONESID (the current responder must have completed the Survey identified as the DONESID property) and PIDPROPNN (the ressponder must have a non-nil and non empty value for the property PIDPROPNN). Only one DONESID can be listed but any number of PIDPROPNN can be included  : eg. Usage is PreReq="DONESID=xyz,PIDPROPNN=ROOM"... Which means a reponder must have completed survey "xyz" and have property "ROOM" defined with a value other than "nil" or empty. val=DONESID=xxx,PIDPROPNN=yyydefault
PRPROPREQDdefaultThe error message to display if a property noted any of the PIDPROPNN prerequisites is not found or nil for the user. Ie. The prequisit is not satisfied. Can be defined at the Org, Survey or Instance level. If not defined a default message is displayed.val=defaultAt least one prerequisite for completing this survey has not been met. You must complete all prerequisites before taking this survey.
PRSIDREQDdefaultThe error message to display if the SID noted DONESID prerequisite has not been completed by the user. Ie. The prequisit is not satisfied. Can be defined at the Org, Survey or Instance level. If not defied a default message identifying the required survey is displayed.val=defaultAt least one prerequisite for completing this screen has not been met. You must complete ..SID..
RadioAlndefaultEither Vert or Horz (or nothing). This property determines wether radio buttons, selectop buttons & selectop labels are presented across the page (the default) or vertically down the page (if Vert).lst=Vert,HorzdefaultHorizontal
RadioFrmtdefaultThe HTML attribute format values for radio buttons and the hosting table of selectop buttons & labels (see ItemFrmt for individual button/label formatting). Use primarily to control the width of the button table. By default, radio button tables are left justified. To spread buttons over the entire response column use "width=100%". val=width="100%"defaultleft justified
REPPIDOKsurveyA comma separated list of PIDs that have been granted reporting access for the current survey, that would not otherwise have report access.val=default
ReqErrorMsgdefaultReplaces the <#ErrorMsg> THTML tag used for question specific error messages.val=The question above is a required question. Please complete prior to continuing.defaultError: This field is required - please try again.
RequireddefaultThis field is required. A nil response is rejected.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
RMDREditdefaultEnable editing of Survey Reminders, if true. (Requires SIDEOID, SIDESID, SIDERNM )lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
RPTCCellFrmtdefaultTable cell format to be used in the survey question list summary report.val=defaultnil
RPTCFieldsdefaultList the fields, separated by ';' to be included in a survey question list summary report. Only the fields available in the selected report are actually displayed. The default fields are:OpDisplayStr;ResponseStr;OpVal;RSCount;ODSCount;OVCount;OVDCount. The count fields count the number of reposnses for various ODSCount;OVCount;OVDCount Used with the RPTTField to calculate ratios etc.val=OpDisplayStr;ResponseStr;OpVal;RSCount;ODSCount;OVCount;OVDCountdefaultOpDisplayStr;ResponseStr;OpVal;RSCount;ODSCount;OVCount;OVDCount
RPTCHeadingsdefaultList the headings, separated by ';' to be included in a survey question list summary report. Only the headings available in the selected report are actually displayed. The default headings are: OpDisplayStr;ResponseStr;OpVal;RSCount;ODSCount;OVCount;OVDCount. val=OpDisplayStr;ResponseStr;OpVal;RSCount;ODSCount;OVCount;OVDCountdefaultOpDisplayStr;ResponseStr;OpVal;RSCount;ODSCount;OVCount;OVDCount
RPTRCellFrmtdefaultTable cell format to be used in the survey question list report.val=defaultnil
RPTRFieldsdefaultList the fields, separated by ';' to be included in a survey question list report. Only the fields available in the selected report are actually displayed. The default fields are: PID;Person;OpDisplayStr;ResponseStr;OpVal, OpValDate. val=PID;Person;OpDisplayStr;ResponseStr;OpValdefaultPID;Person;OpDisplayStr;ResponseStr;OpVal
RPTRHeadingsdefaultList the fields, separated by ';' to be included in a survey question list report. Only theList the headings, separated by ';' to be included in a survey question list report. Only the headings available in the selected report are actually displayed. The default headings are: PID;Person;OpDisplayStr;ResponseStr;OpVal, OpValDate. fields available in the selected report are actually displayed. The default fields are: PID;Person;OpDisplayStr;ResponseStr;OpVal, OpValDate. val=PID;Person;OpDisplayStr;ResponseStr;OpValdefaultPID;Person;OpDisplayStr;ResponseStr;OpVal
RPTTFielddefaultThe field name of the total count of user responses used in a survey question list summary report query. Defaults to RCount if not specified. Used as the denominator of a percentage or ratio calculation.val=RCountdefaultRCount
SIDEditdefaultEnable editing of Survey Headers, if true. (Requires SIDEOID, SIDESID, SIDEFLD )lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
SIDEFLDdefaultSurvey Header Field to editval=ownerdefaultnil
SIDEOIDdefaultOrg ID for Survey Header & Reminder edits.val=defaultdefaultCurrent OrgID
SIDERNMdefaultSurvey Reminder number to edit.val=1default1
SIDESIDdefaultSurvey ID for Survey Header and Reminder edits.val=defaultnil
SidlstfilterdefaultSet the filter that determines which surveys are displayed in a sidlist input operation. SIDs must have the mentioned filter in their filter list to be displayed. All SIDs will be listed if ommitted UNLESS the SID has a filter and the user has a filter, in which case only SID's matching a user's filter will be displayed. This property overrides that behaviour.val=defaultnil
SPLGINDLLsurveyComma separated list of plugin dll names to be used for a specific survey - loaded and unloaded with each page. Do not include the 'dll' extension. These plugins should be stored in the AdHoc directory of the plugins library.lst=defaultnil
SuppressFirstContinuedefaultSuppress the first page continue button.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
SuppressFirstHeadingsurveySuppress the heading on the first survey page if true.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
SurveyEndsurveyThe message to be displayed at the end of a survey.val=<P ><H1 align=center ><font color="blue">The Survey is now complete.</font></H1></P><br><P><H3 align=center >Should you wish to revise your responses, you can do so prior to the survey response cut off date by using<br >

the browser's back button now, or reclicking on the link in the original email later. <br ><br >
Thankyou again for your participation.</H3></P><br><br><br></font>

<form method=get action="http://www.acumenalliance.com.au/" ><input type=submit value="Close Survey" ></form><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>.<font color=white >
default<H1>Survey Finished. Thankyou.</H1>
TCELLENDdefault(CellEnd ) Define a question component end string - usually </tr > Only required if you are changing the layout or size of the cells (other than just changing the order of the columns). Must be paired with a TCELLSTART. The HTML code used to mark the end of a cell. A question line consists of components such as displayed ID, question and response, etc.val=</td >default</td >
TCELLSTARTdefault(CellStart ) Define a question component start string - usually <tr > Only required if you are changing the layout or size of the cells (other than just changing the order of the columns). Must be paired with a TCELLEND, unless you are using the standard cell based cell marker. The HTML code used to mark the start of a cell. A question line consists of components such as displayed ID, question and response, etc.val=<td >default<td >
THquesgroup(TableHeading) Define a question group section heading. Options are empty(ignore), Nil(No heading),Default(Survey default), or anything else which will be treated as a heading definition. Note that if you are changing more than just the order of the columns, you should insert a <tr ></tr > row definition pair.val=<tr ><#ID ><#Question ><#Response ></tr >defaultnil
TRquesgroup(TableRow) Define a question OR question group standard row definition. Values are any valid cell list reference.val=<#QuesDisplayID><#Question><#OpType>defaultnil
TRCquesgroup(TableRowCheckBox) Define a question OR question group checkbox input control row display. Custom input tags are defined in person/question/survey properties entirely. Be careful about naming - the input field MUST use the QID for name and ID or it will not be seen by the response control engine.val=<#QuesDisplayID><#Question align=right><#OpType>defaultnil
TRCOLOURquesgroup(TableRowColour-cycle ) Define a question group colour cycle. Typically this is a list of one or more colours separated by commas.val=white,silverdefaultnil
TRDCUSquesgroup(TableRowCustom control) Define a question OR question group double width custom input control row display. Custom input tags are defined in person/question/survey properties entirely. Be careful about naming - the input field MUST use the QID for name and ID or it will not be seen by the response control engine.val=<#QuesDisplayID ><td colspan=2 ><table width="100%" ><tr ><#Question ><#OpType ></tr ></table ></td >defaultnil
TRDTAquesgroup(TableRowDoubleTextArea )Define a question OR question group double width text area input control row display. Custom input tags are defined in person/question/survey properties entirely. Be careful about naming - the input field MUST use the QID for name and ID or it will not be seen by the response control engine.val=<#QuesDisplayID ><td colspan=2 ><table width="100%" ><tr ><#Question ><#OpType ></tr ></table ></td >defaultnil
TRENDdefault(TableRow Row End) Define the table row ending characters for questiongroup/question level format override. Must be paired with TRSTART, unless you are using the standard TRENDval=</tr >default</tr >
TRLquesgroup(TableRowLongLable) Define a question OR question group long info label input control row display. Custom input tags are defined in person/question/survey properties entirely. Be careful about naming - the input field MUST use the QID for name and ID or it will not be seen by the response control engine.val=<#QuesDisplayID><#Question align=center colspan=2 >defaultnil
TRSTARTdefault(TableRow Row Start) Define the table row starting characters for questiongroup/question level format override. must be paired with TRENDval=<tr >default<tr >
TTENDquesgroup(TableEnd ) Define a question group section end styring - usually </table > Only required if you are changing the layout or size of the cells (other than just changing the order of the columns) Or have used a TTSTART for this question group..val=</table >defaultnil
TTSTARTquesgroup(TableStart ) Define a question group section start string - usually <table > Only required if you are changing the layout or size of the cells (other than just changing the order of the columns). Must be paired with a TTENDval=<table >defaultnil
ULEmaildefaultUser email name fieldval=EMail:defaultEMail:
ULPWDdefaultUser password field nameval=Password:defaultPassword:
ULUserIddefaultUserId field nameval=UserId:defaultUserId:
ULUserNamedefaultUser name field nameval=Name:defaultName:
UserAutoLockOndefaultCauses the current survey instance to be responded only once by the current user. The value of UserAutoLockOn is a Filter string that will cause the current instance of the survey to be locked when the current user reaches the end IF the current user has the same string in their filter list. If the same user then attempts to answer the survey again they will be allocated a new instance, if any are available, or blocked from accssing it.val=default
UserLogindefaultList of user fields collected in a userlogin adminoplst="UID,PWD",UIDuserloginUID,PWD
UserMakerdefaultList of user fields collected in a usermaker adminop. When the response is processed by the server UserMaker works in conjunction with a number of other optional properties: UserOrgMerge, UserNameIsUserID, NewUserFilter, UserMakerMakeKey, UserMustMatchOrNotExist, UserMakerGenPID, DefaultUserEmail, AutoPublish. It generates a number of input values in fields: UNAME, EMAILlst="UID,PWD,UNAME,EMAIL",UID,"UID,UNAME,EMAIL"usermakerUID,PWD,UNAME,EMAIL
UserMakerCanEditFlagdefaultEnable editing of user details on createlst=True,FalseusermakerFalse
UserMakerGenPIDdefaultWhere AutoPublish is True, AND you do not supply a PID in the call to get survey (to automatically publish the survey and the current instance to a user on access) you can set UserMakerGenPID to auto generate a GUID to uniquely identify the user. This enables anonymous surveys. In this case UserOrgMerge is ignored. Note: You will not be able to track responders with anonymous surveys.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
UserNameIsUserIDdefaultSet the user name to the PID value on creation.lst=True,FalseusermakerFalse
UseWeightsurveyEnable the extra weight/importance column for every question in the survey. The results for this are recorded as a floating point number between 0 and 1 in the weight column of each response. Typical use is to get a user importance rating for each question.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
UserOrgMergedefaultEnable adding of the ID entered by a user to the OrgID to create a new user, or login (if True). It is strongly recommended that if you allow autocreation of user ids, AND your orgs are independent entities that do not share responders, you also set this to True as otherwise user ID's across orgs can be shared. This will ensure that ids are unique to this org when the id is reused in another org in the same database.lst=True,FalsedefaultFalse
WghtInfoOpdefaultForce the display of weightings for an InfoOp (non input text or image display). lst=False,TruedefaultFalse
WghtOpListdefaultForce the displayed names of weightings to be drawn from least to most from a comma separated list provided. The option may be suppressed by setting the property to "Nil", which will result in the default numeric display. Where commas or spaces are required in a list item, surround the item with ".val=default
WghtRadioAlndefaultEither Vert or Horz (or nothing). This property determines whether weight response section radio buttons & selectop labels are presented across the page (the default) or vertically down the page (if Vert).lst=Vert,HorzdefaultHorizontal
WghtScaledefaultSet number of discrete weight selection options to be displayed in the weighting response section for this question(s). The resulting value will be an evenly spaced division of the weight value range from 0 to 1val=5default5
WghtTypedefaultSet display format for entering the discrete weight selection options to be displayed in the weighting response section for this question(s). Text will allow any floating point value to be entered. Other options provide evenly spaced division of the weight value range across 0 to 1lst=radio,text,list,droplistdefaultradio
