Bishop Phillips - Software Library Reference for Developers
Developer Reference Library - Introduction
Language: Delphi 7 - 2007
These pages are being mounted on the riskwiki for the convenience of delphi software developers using the BPC Software libraries. Unless you are a developer with access to the source or binaries of these libraries these pages will be of no interest to you. Over 15 years these libraries have grown to such a scale that they are no longer easilly referenced by the help manuals.
The libraries are not currently distributed as standalone linkable binaries or compilable source, except to programmers engaged on BPC software development who have appropriate third party licenses where required. In some cases the libraries require current development licenses for additional third party products. BPC will consider individual requests for supply of specific libraries, but emphasise that not all requests can be satisfied as individual libraries may use code that is the copyright of third parties, and for which you must have a valid developer's license. Each such request will be considered on a case by case basis.
The following pages are extracts from the header comment sections of the relevant libraries.
BPC Core Libraries
These libraries are the most heavilly used support libraries in SM and RM technologies. All are Win32 D7-D2007 compatible, but are not unicode adjusted.
- BPCStndLib1 - Language Tokenising and Parsing, tree, date and file support library
- bpcSMScriptLibrary_1 - BPC String Manipulation Library 1
- bpcSMScriptLibrary_2 - bpcXML Language Version 1
- bpcSMScriptLibrary_3 - PopUp Menu Utility Routines
- bpcSMScriptLibrary_4 - Plugin DLL remote command node & data exchange routines
- bpcSMScriptLibrary_5 - Value List Editor Utility routines
- bpcSMScriptLibrary_6 - ADO Database Connection Utility routines
- bpcSMScriptLibrary_7 - Useful Types 1
- bpcSMScriptLibrary_8 - bpcXML Data Transfer Utility Routines
- bpcSMScriptLibrary_9 - TStringGrid manipulation Library from BPC
- bpcSMScriptLibrary_10 - TTIWDBAdvWebGrid Manipulation Routines
- bpcSMScriptLibrary_11 - TClientDataSet BPC Library
- bpcSMScriptLibrary_12 - MHTML MS CDO Interface - BPC Library
- bpcSMScriptLibrary_13 - Convert an ADO Recordset to XML and back again
- bpcSMScriptLibrary_14 - Graphics manipulation and conversion routines JPG and BMP
- bpcSMScriptLibrary_15 - TDBAdvGrid Routines
- bpcSMScriptLibrary_16 - TwwDBGrid Routines
- SpareTemplatePage - Ignore Page Template only
BPC General Component Libraries
- bpcStringList - TStringlist Name/Value pair manipulation
- bpcDBBookMarkList - DB Bookmark list manager
- bpcADSI - Active Directory support through ADSI interface
- bpcWin32Service - Win32 Service Management
- ExportADOTable - Exporter for ADO tables
- bpcMSSpellCheck - MS Spellcheck and Thesaurius Wrapper
- bpcwwRichEdSpellChck - InfoPower RichEdit mod to use the bpc late binding MS Spellcheck and Thesaurius Wrapper
- BPCPageControl - Modified MS Windows page/tab control to support customised colouring of tabs and borders
- WSXDCompressUtilities1 - Streaming Compression using LHA for comms
- bpcDBGrid - Modified InfoPower WW grid to support column sorting
- RMSQLAdminLib - Powerful DB Desktop Support Library for MS SQL Databases
- DataTranADO - Data transfer library for moving data between a central DB and many remote DB's with support for synchronising across DB's when DB's cannot use an ADO connection.
BPC Email Support Libraries
- bpcMailLib1 - Email DNS resolver and mail authority routines
- SMTPIndySendMail - Smart email sender (supports html & text, attachments and embedded images in email. Spam safe)
- OutlookSendMail - Sends email via Outlook (Alternative for desktop apps when SMTP is not available
- EMailUnit - Message wrapper class. Used to assemble a message for SMTPIndySendMail
- SendMailThreadUnit - Threaded emailer for sending emails in the background for SMTPIndySendMail
BPC HTML & Browser Component & Support Libraries
- bpcHTMLEditDesigner - TbpcHTMLEditDesigner (implementation of Lindsay Larson's MS HTML edit wrapper)
- bpcHTMLEditHost - TbpcHTMLEditHost
- bpcDBEmbeddedWB - TbpcDBEmbeddedWB : A DataBase aware implementation of TEmbeddedWB from Balsa
- bpcDBEmbeddedWB_INIT - Factory initialiser for the bpcDBEmbeddedWB.
Non-BPC Controls
- GUIDEx - Control for Manipulating GUID's
- ParseRequest - Improved Multi-part WebRequest data handling
- BPCPageControl
- BPCStndLib1
- BpcDBBookMarkList
- BpcDBEmbeddedWB
- BpcDBEmbeddedWB INIT
- BpcDBGrid
- BpcHTMLEditDesigner
- BpcHTMLEditHost
- BpcMSSpellCheck
- BpcMailLib1
- BpcSMScriptLibrary 1
- BpcSMScriptLibrary 10
- BpcSMScriptLibrary 11
- BpcSMScriptLibrary 12
- BpcSMScriptLibrary 13
- BpcSMScriptLibrary 14
- BpcSMScriptLibrary 15
- BpcSMScriptLibrary 16
- BpcSMScriptLibrary 2
- BpcSMScriptLibrary 3
- BpcSMScriptLibrary 4
- BpcSMScriptLibrary 5
- BpcSMScriptLibrary 6
- BpcSMScriptLibrary 7
- BpcSMScriptLibrary 8
- BpcSMScriptLibrary 9
- BpcStringList
- BpcWin32Service
- BpcwwRichEdSpellChck
- Contents
- DataTranADO
- EMailUnit
- ExportADOTable
- Main Page
- OutlookSendMail
- ParseRequest
- RMSQLAdminLib
- SMTPIndySendMail
- SendMailThreadUnit
- SpareTemplatePage
- WSXDCompressUtilities1