HTML Edit Host
Language: Delphi 7 - 2007
//*********************************************************** // TEdithost ver 1.00 (Jan. 14, 2000) * // * // by * // Per Lindsø Larsen * // per.lindsoe@larsen.dk * // * // Documentation and updated versions: * // * // http://www.euromind.com/iedelphi * //*********************************************************** unit bpcHTMLEditHost; interface uses {mshtml_tlb} Mshtml_Ewb, Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs; const SID_SHTMLEditHost: TGUID = (D1: $3050F6A0; D2: $98B5; D3: $11CF; D4: ($BB, $82, $00, $AA, $00, $BD, $CE, $0B)); type TbpcHTMLSnapRect = function (const pIElement: IHTMLElement; var prcNew: tagRECT; eHandle: _ELEMENT_CORNER): HResult of object; TbpcHTMLEditHost = class(TComponent, IUnknown, IHTMLEditHost) private { Private declarations } FSnapRect : TbpcHTMLSnapRect; FEnabled : Boolean; protected { Protected declarations } function SnapRect(const pIElement: IHTMLElement; var prcNew: tagRECT; eHandle: _ELEMENT_CORNER): HResult; stdcall; public { Public declarations } published { Published declarations } property OnSnapRect : TbpcHTMLSnapRect read FSnapRect write FSnapRect; property Enabled : Boolean read FEnabled write FEnabled; end;